It's all about selling, isn't it??

If you are a musician, you have to market your music. If you are an artist, you have to market your art. If you are a politician, you have to market yourself and if you are an employee, you have to market your efficiency. How ironic, isn't it? People are even marketing their blogs!!!

Is the desire to be well known so overwhelming that it makes us sell ourselves? I have seen people continuously  blowing their trumpet about how hard they have worked. The world would be such a fantastic place if we stopped this indiscriminate selling and started concentrating on the job at hand. In a desperate attempt to show off, most of us forget what exactly needs to be done. For a solution that costs a dime, we end up showing how we managed to spend a pound.

I have known people who deliberately skip lunch so they can show the world how hard they work. These people will schedule meetings at lunch time, so everyone can realize the extent of their dedication and hard work. But is the meeting so important? Can't it be scheduled after about an hour? But we are out to prove ourselves there aren't we? The sweet smell of success, attained after cooking the ass off on the burner of marketing. At what cost, this success?

Only a handful have I seen who actually believe in doing things right. They arrive on time, have their meals on time, have a standard procedure to follow and they know how to say 'No'. But these people are never very successful. They talk less but talk meaningful, they work less but work smart and they take care of their life. But success in the corporate world, my friends, depends only on selling. Sell yourself, not your skills, sell your time, not your work and finally end up selling your life.

Sometimes, I wonder, if people like Shiv Khera who implore people that they can win and they can sell are ruining people's minds. We need to change the definition of success. We need meaningful work, maybe less but meaningful. We need employees to have a life. We need these worker ants to realize that there is a life other than running after crystals of sugar, carrying it back, fighting to be noticed.

We need to stop marketing and selling and start working. The world would be a much more prosperous place and a much more meaningful one, if we realized this simple truth. Do, there is no need to sell.

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