Molested, assaulted, raped?

The entire world is up in arms. There are people with placards and black bands, holding hands, united in revolution. There are journalists writing up incriminating articles in the papers and there are the television presenters, with their uncanny ability to drag a debate till infinity, moderating discussions. It’s a liberated world; it’s a world which feels for the woman, it’s a world which recognizes her pain, her trauma and her anxiety. She has been molested, no because it left like an assault, but not still because she has been raped!!!

Love and God: The power of Devotion

The air is garnished with fragrant smoke from incense sticks, Sindoor has colored the world red, the drums play popular numbers at deafening decibel levels, and there is a lot of dance with humanity indulging in everything considered a taboo otherwise. The air is ripe with devotion. Everybody is busy worshipping faith in human form in their own special way. There’s revelry, there’s rowdism and there is God; sitting mute witness to the suffering of heart patients, expectant mothers and studious students. God being worshipped by everyone from stars to the dusters and faith left in the background. Everyone is so busy worshipping and praying they have forgotten what really binds them to their God, faith - the invisible force that brings a devotee closer to the creator.

Accepting the expected!

Life is an adventure and we keep searching for new stories to tell everyday. We look for anamolys in our in our day to day life to keep the mundane from ruling. But the everyday life is more than just that. It is boring! The day is a schedule and the chores are routine. Right from waking up in the morning to turning in at night, there is nothing new happening. Everything is predictable. Everything is as expected!

Health scares are just....Scary!!

Every day some or the other group of scientists are busy working on a new scare. If one group is busy proving the ill effects of coffee, the other group is busy proving natural remedies are for quacks. Everything from everyday cooking oil to the sun's rays is being used to prove just one thing-Everything is unhealthy. And these educationally enlightened could just be right. Because everything is harmful when done in excess. A cup of coffee never harmed anyone but eight cups a day would definitely be unhealthy. Brushing teeth twice a day is considered healthy but brushing eight to ten times could just brush away the teeth.Health scares most of the times are just that..scares.
