Art Attack

Lately, after my tryst with Pixlr and the varied weird art forms, I decided to move on to the next step, trying to find a place to put up the art. Oh no no...not an art gallery but something that is more publicly visible. Something where the people can actually see a painting made by a loser nerd in a dust ridden, hotbed. And so I hit upon the idea of putting it all out on tee shirts. What the heck, I have read a hundred meaningless words on tees. People have crazy stuff they call art on their coffee mugs. So what does Vinayak Gole do? He finds sites on the internet where people can actually select his art work.

Well then, I have created a store on ... The art is just about spilling out, the words are just about making sense and life is just about making sense. Now for how long, that is the question. However, the best thing is, I have something new to play with and there is some more hope that the fun doesn't end very soon in this world.

Many a times we forget that the internet is not just about Facebook but much much more. But it takes more than an iron will to break away from the Facebook addiction. a work in progress. Next stop... .

Day1:The lone ranger:

As I mustered up the courage to step into this unknown territory, I realised that it was very different that what I had imagined. There were people looking at me as a stranger, an intruder in the forbidden kingdom. There were the intimidating glances, there were the shameful nods and the super replusive vibes. But still I lingred on, found the master of the lands, the Instructor and told him I would be beginning today.

The changing room had more shame for me. I couldnt get myself to expose my loose flabby body to the masses. After an effort to hide as much as I could, tactfully managing the view with my extracted clothes, I was able to emerge. It was time to begin. I had a purpose, I had to run. I had a purpose, I had to stay in-breath while climbing.

After a light warm up, I decided that this was the moment. I approached the dragon, I had to conquer, The Threadmill. After soem struggle with the various buttons and some help from the instructor, my battle had begun. I had to walk...for twenty minutes. 

The first five minutes seemed like fun. But soon fatigue overtook the fun and I was fighting a losing battle against breath. The belt was spinning and I just wasnt walking fast enough. Holding on to the support bar did help a bit but it was a race, a race against time...or rather..with time.

Soon the battle had been won. Slowly but steadily I had survived the first twenty minutes on the treadmill. I was a survivor. It was time to get ready and leave. It was time to live die another day.

The Nerd runner:

For years, I was proud to be part of the ever bludgeoning workforce of India's IT workforce. Computers, software, smart phones made my day seem to have meaning to it. Artificial lights seemed better than the sun, conditioned air was a given and bottled juice supposed to make up for nutrients. I was least..I thought so.

It was a recent transfer to a newly opened office in Powai that opened my eyes. Barely able to navigate the steep slope at the entrance, I would need to take breaks to huff and puff before continuing my journey to the office gate. It was then that I noticed what technology addition had done to my health. I had an immune system was in doldrums, lungs seemed to have holes and the body was all more of fat than tissue. It was the day I decided to break away from my belief that the body heals itself. It was the day I realized that God, would help me only if I helped myself. It would be a long journey to get to the top without the huffing and the puffing. But a battle that could be won.

It was time to check out that unknown entity on the floor above. The Gym:
