Art Attack

Lately, after my tryst with Pixlr and the varied weird art forms, I decided to move on to the next step, trying to find a place to put up the art. Oh no no...not an art gallery but something that is more publicly visible. Something where the people can actually see a painting made by a loser nerd in a dust ridden, hotbed. And so I hit upon the idea of putting it all out on tee shirts. What the heck, I have read a hundred meaningless words on tees. People have crazy stuff they call art on their coffee mugs. So what does Vinayak Gole do? He finds sites on the internet where people can actually select his art work.

Well then, I have created a store on ... The art is just about spilling out, the words are just about making sense and life is just about making sense. Now for how long, that is the question. However, the best thing is, I have something new to play with and there is some more hope that the fun doesn't end very soon in this world.

Many a times we forget that the internet is not just about Facebook but much much more. But it takes more than an iron will to break away from the Facebook addiction. a work in progress. Next stop... .

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