God hates us all?A discussion

One of my colleagues asked me once,"Why did God create us and then asked us to find him.Why in this search He interspersed misery?"
Nice question I thought and hooked up the below as a reply:

I agree God is sometimes cruel...So much misery and so much pain and so much insensitivity. Only yesterday, I was waiting at the station and I saw this poor woman nursing her daughter. Was she sick,dead,dying? I have no clue. I was late and so was everyone else. We have so much time to watch TV and to chase girls but never the time to look at the poor. Sometimes I have to agree with Slayer,"God hates us all."

Well the rains are here:

Its surprising how year after year, the rains manage to come down at the same time. And it’s even more surprising how year after year we always manage to fool ourselves how ready we are for the rains. The Rain Gods must be waiting their share of fun all year long. The rains are finally here, same time, same place and same mess.
