God hates us all?A discussion

One of my colleagues asked me once,"Why did God create us and then asked us to find him.Why in this search He interspersed misery?"
Nice question I thought and hooked up the below as a reply:

I agree God is sometimes cruel...So much misery and so much pain and so much insensitivity. Only yesterday, I was waiting at the station and I saw this poor woman nursing her daughter. Was she sick,dead,dying? I have no clue. I was late and so was everyone else. We have so much time to watch TV and to chase girls but never the time to look at the poor. Sometimes I have to agree with Slayer,"God hates us all."

I once played a game called Black and White. If you research the game more you will find that it is one of the most complex games ever. You start off by

saving a child from drowning and the people of the village take you as God. But the beauty of the game is you cant only be good to the villagers.....You have to punish the wrong doers. You have to get the people to worship you. The more they worship you the more powerful you become. Or else, they go to the other gods. So its up to you how you keep your followers. The trick is to maintain a balance between fear and respect. If you are too lenient, they take you for granted. There is no logical end to the game but as you play on, it brings out your true character. I....cud never complete it....I found it boring at the time :-)

Ages and ages of misery and blood have made us humans evolve thus far. We no longer have unnecessary wars, computers have made life easy and we are nearly there....growing life. I believe we are near our logical end. We are already challenging God. If God can create life, we can too. We are hopelessly killing other co dwellers in the environment. Its time for God to pay us a visit.

When I was going through my rough patch, I came upon a very interesting revelation. I was already in the hole doing smoke and drink. Everything I touched turned to dust and I was losing hair....at the age of 19, I was a baldie.....one of two in hundreds...It was then that I realised that its not bad being a loser. If it was not for a loser, there would never be a winner. A loser is just as important in the equation. It made me feel better. And then there was Bob. The slow one now will later be fast just as the present now will later be past. The time they are a changing but for God, I am sure its just a game.

God touches us all. Only we are too busy with winning that we fail to realize that. There was a serial that used to come on DD when I was a kid.I don't even remember the complete story but two stories keep lingering.

1. There is this cobbler who is a die hard believer. So one day God tells him that he will come to visit him the next day. The cobbler is so happy that the next day he prepares a nice meal and waits for God. First comes a beggar. The cobbler is now worried, but he feels that God will understand. He gives part of the meal to the beggar. Next comes a poor woman with a child. A part of the meal goes again. And third comes an old man. The meal is gone. The cobbler is now worried. He doesn't have any more money. What will he tell God. But then God speaks and thanks him for his hospitality. The cobbler is flabbergasted. You never came he says. And God tells him,"I visited you thrice and you were equally welcoming. It was the best meal ever." The cobbler genuflects.

2. A renowned godman is on his way to a pravachan with his entourage when his tyre punctures. One of the villagers who gather around tells the sage about 3 strange beings who have been spotted in the forest. They are in loin cloths, hug trees and just look at the sky. The sage decides to visit them. When he sees them, he laughs. What are you fools doing, he asks them. And they say, We are looking for God. The sage is now in splits. He tells them, I will teach you to find God. And he teaches them to say a sholaka. By then, the tyre has been repaired and the entourage is ready to leave. Just as the sage settles in his comfortable seat, one of his disciples points out of the window. The three near naked men are walking on water. The come running to the sage and touch his feet. All these years, we have been searching for God, they say, but your one mantra made us find him. The sage just stares and his jaw drops.

This is how God works, we look at poverty and misery. We look at death and sickness. But there is more to life than that. We need balance. Running billions of people is not a joke. And I am sure God is enjoying this game to the fullest. Some of us realize that. The people in the matrix are just too happy challenging God, running to make a career, and being happy teaching shlokas to emancipated people.......

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