Online Advertising: Just a passing fashion?

The world’s going gaga over online advertising. With advertising services cropping up by the day, analysts are busy churning out data and crunching numbers. The numbers show online advertising sweeping the awards. A magnanimous future has already been designed and put in place. Only like all things technology, no one can really be sure how far this craze will survive. When DVDs first came into play, people predicted the end of theaters. The internet was supposed to kill music companies. And now online advertising.

A-men: Birth of the corporate mutants:

The mutants always win. We have seen them in the comic books, we have seen them in the movies and we have heard stories about them from our peers. Wolverine never dies. He is angry and he is destructive. Ditto Magneto. The urge to rule is so intense that it does not matter who stands in your way. It is the utter hatred for the lower beings (read humans) that has been a driving force for the Magneto clones. And literary culture directly or indirectly always affects human life. We have heard of children jumping over walls, we have heard about people hallucinating about superheroes and now we have among our midst, the corporate mutants. Beings so superior that they cannot be compared to ordinary beings. Beings so perfect that they loathe the losers. There is only one way in life, the winning way. Or so they think!
