Of women and dogs

Its wonderful to see how a woman can have as many dogs as she pleases. There is no dearth of men always wanting to be wrapped around the little finger of a pretty lady. As long as the lady knows how to play. All she has to do is throw a ball and the dog will be only too eager to fetch it for her.

One such recent example has been that of a colleague completely enamored by a fresh joinee. He will wait for her for lunch, he will have a late breakfast if she is late for office and even wait for her outside the women's rest room. Once the star performer in the project, he is now the laughing matter of the entire team. His performance is below par and he has gone from being a 'like' to a 'dislike' among the team. And why wouldn't it be. All he has time for is his 'good friend'.

I pity them dogs. But I pity these dogs more who forget that they have a human heart somewhere which is supposed to carry a mini ounce of dignity.

I don't blame the lady. She is just doing what she is good at. But what about the dog? What about the dog? And what about the dogs who are waiting for the ball to be thrown in their direction. God save the queen and her bountiful dogs.

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