Beware: Kids at work

Over the years, I have come to realize how childish people are when they are actually at work. People take the workspace rather personally and forget that they were are just employees and the organization doesn't owe or own them. That the manager is not their mother and the workplace is not their home. That they are only professionally related to their colleagues and not through relationships.

I have noted how people take everything and everyone personally and ruin the office decorum which is supposed be the office environment free of all the emotions. With the tactical team of HR professionals trying their best to make the employees feel at home, the poor workers do take their word for it. Home is where you can be free, home is where you can move around unhampered, home is where you can be naked.

The office or the hallowed workplace is meant to be a place of worship. Always realize that the place does not account for and has no feelings for your feelings. So lets keep the personal gratifications aside and concentrate on the jobs to to done.

A junior recently called me up to crib to me about how she wanted to make a career in testing and no one was willing to give her an ear. Infinite amount of reasoning seemed to find no favor with her and she decided to fight it out with the organization. It is people like these who end up being the frustrated employees within a company. Hating the management and the organization that has been paying for your food every month.

A career needs to be built no doubt but she has to realize that they are running a business here and not a career development forum. The services industry thrives on people who are flexible and can take on multiple roles with multiple skill sets. The easier it is for a person to fit in, the better he is at cutting out an impressive career. However, my junior had to take it pretty personally.

Another instance I have seen is people who take to others pretty personally. He is my friend, she is my personal favorite and so on and so forth. What they fail to realize is it is just a professional workplace. We are all colleagues here. Everyone has a right to have coffee with anyone they choose. I recently bumped into a colleague of mine while I was having coffee by the cooler. We started talking since we had a lot of catching up to do. But before we could get deeper into the conversation, her tail, rather her favorite colleague was there, standing right next to us and grinning all the while. He had to be there. He was her friend.

Incidents like these make me wonder when we will realize that we are no longer in school and it is about time we realized that it's a professional world out there. For all of you out there who still wonder if you are in a personal space in office, all I can say is.....GROW UP!

