The shortest story:

A thought struck me today. How much do we need to write a story? Can a story be told in a single sentence? Maybe so. And so I thought up of some stories....
1. And she just walked away......
2. It was the cruel smile...of success
3. It never dawned that day
4. Sometimes you need to lose to win.

It's more interesting than reading pages and pages of nonsense, isn't it? The above stories leave you with imagination, you can think of your own beginning and end and have the pleasure of feeling satisfied with your thoughts.

But then, books would never be sold, money would never be made. I have read so many books with no story line whatsoever and only pages and pages of repetition. But the books have gone on to become best sellers. Why? Because readers feel they have had a good deal. What use is paying a 100 bucks for something over 100 pages when you can get 300 pages in the same amount? Absolute nonsense, I say.

All of us are natural story tellers. We live in a world of dreams and fantasy. We lie to everyone just so that we can be part of these very dreams. But we also love to prove that we do not like to be a part of dreams. Dream on my friends. There fiction everywhere. There's a story to be told every second. Believe in the fantasy and not in the reality.

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